Film Reviews
Le Rêve et la Radio de Renaud Després-Larose et Ana Tapia Rousiouk se démarque par une approche sincère et généreuse. Puisant dans leur propre vie, les deux cinéastes québécois bricolent avec humour un univers teinté d’onirisme punk.
March, 2022
À propos de La bande des quatre (1989) de Jacques Rivette, Serge Daney disait que la seule vérité du film, c’est l’hésitation. […] Le rêve et la radio de Renaud Després-Larose et Ana Tapia Rousiouk semble reconduire l’intuition de Daney à propos du film de Rivette.
Carlos solano
March, 2022

Canadian filmmakers Renaud Després-Larose and Ana Tapia Rousiouk pay tribute to Stan Brakhage, Guy Debord, Jean-Luc Godard and Pedro Costa in their first feature, an intriguing experimental exercise looking at the history of cinema and old-school political activism.
Clarence Tsui
February 5, 2022
Part millennial urban romance, part political essay in the vein of late Godard, it’s a shape-shifting work that nods to and interpolates signifiers from across the history of silent, experimental, and modernist art cinema.
Jordan Cronk
February 14, 2022

Le rêve et la radio offers a blank canvas for generational discontent to fully erupt, and yet,[…] is its focus on the central social dynamics: the unassuming moments of intimacy and the shared moments of impotence.
Alonso Aguilar
February 5. 2022

Ante todo, podemos pensar a Le rêve et la radio como una invitación irónica para que una generación cegada por la tecnología abra los ojos. Los tres ojos.
January 27, 2022
Inspired by an itinerant friend […] the couple seek not a practical or doctrinal revolution against capitalist society, but something more abstract and poetic: A way of living differently in the world, and making a change through creation and gestures.
Daniel Kasman
February 7, 2022

January 28. 2022

One way to resist those norms is to make a determinedly sprawling (135 minutes), pain-in-the-ass, perceptibly microbudget (and proud of the invention that requires) movie like The Dream and the Radio, which I wouldn’t have blind-sampled without friends’ recommendations.
Vadim Rizov
February 18, 2022

Teintée de surréalisme et pétrie de références académiques (on cite beaucoup ici: Debord, Rilke, Godard, Guattari, dont les voix et les textes peuplent la diégèse à la manière des traces laissées par une intelligentsia démiurgique), l’œuvre peut sembler rébarbative de prime abord.
February 7, 2022
The Dream and the Radio, as the title suggests, is heavily concerned with the ways that technology can be perceived as both an advantage and a sign of societal degradation. Debord seeks to relay his manifesto and spark his movement by taking over the city’s radio towers.
February 21. 2022
Through the guises of film and radio, these fussy electronic (sometimes tinny and harsh, sometimes swelling and romantic) and visual embellishments, including ratio-switching and juxtapositions, are all part of The Dream and the Radio’s fabric and fortitude in its decadent runtime.
Jeffery Berg
June 5, 2022
La cosa stupefacente ovviamente non è tanto che Godard e Eustache abbiano degli eredi. Ancora meno che tre giovani « cinefigli » del quebec abbiamo sognato di essere Jean-Pierre Leaud, Bernadette Lafont e Françoise Lebrun.
Eugenio Renzi
February 18, 2022

Protagonistas soñadores y revolucionarios que buscan una alternativa al capitalismo actual, donde no seamos consumidores pasivos de la imagen (y de ideas), sino que creemos a través de nuestra imaginación un mundo de posibilidades, de sueños compartidos.
Histerias de cine
February 1, 2022

Con un presupuesto de 10.000 dólares canadienses y un rodaje de tres años, esta representación híbrida sobre el arte y la revolución ofrece una especie de deconstrucción del cine tal como lo entendemos.
February 10, 2022

Le rêve et la radio conserva una cinematografía que destaca en interiores logrando escenas pictóricas que a la luz de las velas invita junto a los protagonistas a entrar en un estado de ensoñación.
Rocío Rocha

Le prime scene sono slabbrate (ma tutto il film lo è), aprono i sensi a più livelli percettivi, parole e immagini lanciano segnali che solo in seguito, almeno in parte, si decifreranno. Realtà. Sogno. Lampi di presente oppure di memoria.
February 18. 2022

Through the guises of film and radio, these fussy electronic (sometimes tinny and harsh, sometimes swelling and romantic) and visual embellishments, including ratio-switching and juxtapositions, are all part of The Dream and the Radio’s fabric and fortitude in its decadent runtime.
Jeffery Berg
June 5, 2022

Sous son allure peut-être initialement nostalgique face à la tradition cinématographique de la création militante, le film réussit pourtant à défaire la matrice conflictuelle classique qui oppose l’oisiveté créative au geste politique.
September 16, 2022

For a few brief seconds, there is only sound and darkness. Flashlights graze antique diagrams of radio and sound waves. Static drizzles through a speech about the value of radio and the “fundamental principles of inter-human communication.”
September 8, 2022

Fall 2022
(From Spanish) Rosana G. Alonso (2022, June 5) The Dream and the Radio (Le rêve et la radio) | IFFR 2022. StyleFeelFree
(From Spanish) Rosana G. Alonso (2022, June 5) The Dream and the Radio (Le rêve et la radio) | IFFR 2022. StyleFeelFree